Planting Kits

Our Plant Kits are:
Just add water - Guaranteed to Grow
Play*n*Grow Plant Kits are
-Easy to Use
-Guaranteed to Grow
-Complete. Nothing else needed


All our seeds are 100%
Organic, Non-GMO
Fully tested and Certified.
Guaranteed to germinate
and grow into healthy plants.

Grow Guides

Our growing guides, included
with every plant kit, are easy to
understand and follow and
guaranteed to work

A Few Words About Our Plant & Garden Kits for Children

We pride ourselves in enabling children to learn about organic gardening by creating easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, guaranteed-to-grow garden kits.

Fun, Simple, Satisfying and Successful

    • 100% Organic, Non-GMO, Heirloom seeds. Guaranteed to germinate
    • Complete Garden Kits with nothing to add but water. Guaranteed to grow!
    • Complete Garden Kits with nothing to add but water. Guaranteed to grow!

Private Label or Carry our Products

Are you a retailer, online seller or wholesaler and want to carry our products or build your own custom product line?